Category: Quarantine Con Carne
Throwing the Game’ 20 years later: Lucky Boys Confusion (Episode 612)
Has it really been 20 years since Lucky Boys Confusion released their breakthrough album, “Throwing the Game?” As the band readies a live stream performance for Thursday at 8pm, they join me to reflect on Throwing the Game.
‘Situation Chicago 2’ benefit album arrives this week (Episode 611)
The first “Situation Chicago” benefit album is out of print, and a new one is on the way! Trey Elder of Quiet Pterodactyl returns alongside Shawn and Brian of Miirrors to preview Situation Chicago 2, a benefit album of Chicago…

Band in Austria/Banned in America: DeeCRACKS (Episode 610)
Ramones song structures collide with Motorhead rock swagger, and the result is glorious. Meet Austrian punk heroes DeeCRACKS Sponsored by Siren Records McHenry
“We are stronger together than what we are divided” – Humanity is the Genre (Episode 609)
“Humanity is the Genre” is a fantastic new music compilation benefitting Haven Studios and Guitars Over Guns. Joining me to talk about it tonight are Freddie Bell (Electric Train), Add-2 (Haven Studios/Guitars Over Guns), artist Emma Young and Columbia College…
Giallo cinema! Hong Kong Cat 3! It’s cinephile night with Stephanie Sack (Episode 608)
What is Giallo cinema all about? What’s a Hong Kong Category 3 movie? Why should you go to the Music Box Theatre Sunday night? These questions were all answered by tonight’s guest, cinephile Stephanie Sack. Go see Centipede Horror, along…
The Inevitables, Less Than Jake, Fueled By Ramen, Paper & Plastick: The world of Vinnie Fiorello (Episode 607)
Musician Vinnie Fiorello (The Inevitables, Less Than Jake, Paper & Plastick) is one of those people who never seems to slow down. If he’d only been the drummer and lyricist of Less Than Jake, that would have been plenty to…
‘Tavern-style’ meets ‘speakeasy chic’ for charity: CRUST FUND PIZZA (Episode 605)
Author, marketer and foodie John Carruthers has thrown himself into pizza over the past year. Now that he’s mastered the art of making “tavern style” pizza, he’s turned his talents toward the greater good. He joins me to talk about…

Nightmare fuel and a cool song with a violin: The joy of DEAD ANIMAL ASSEMBLY PLANT (Episode 604)
Their videos are nightmare fuel. Their music is heavy and haunting. Their name is vegan-enraging. Join me for a special Sunday night recording with the dark force known as DEAD ANIMAL ASSEMBLY PLANT.
‘Girly’ sounds: The electronic world of Julian Beeston (Episode 603)
Julian Beeston’s a visionary artist whose new project, Featured, released a fantastic full length last month called Girly. He’s been part of Nitzer Ebb, Cubanate and Die Krupp, but has finally settled into his own skin with Featured.
‘The Surprise Restaurant Manager’ – Author/consultant Ken McGarrie talks about the hospitality business (Episode 602)
Ken McGarrie’s been in the hospitality business for decades, and his career has led him to major food locales like Ontario, Dallas and New Orleans. Here in Chicago, he was the director of operations for DineAmic Group. More recently, he…