Category: hot dog joints

Monster Dogs Morning Monster Cafe with Steve Silver (Episode 958)
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I agree, especially if hot dogs are involved. Steve Silver, Chicago’s legendary lover, fighter, doorman, and raconteur, joined me at the Morning Monster Cafe (Monster Dogs food truck)…
Byron’s Hot Dogs with pop-punkers After the Fight (Episode 953)
Pop punk/skate punk band After the Fight is back after a period of relative quiet. They’ll be releasing a new song (“Age of Distraction”) on 5/24/24, the same day as their first show in four years, at Montrose Saloon (also…
Deep Tunnel Project’s John Mohr eats Chicago dogs, talks S/T release (Episode 942)
Shortly after the release of the self-titled debut from Deep Tunnel Project, returning guest John Mohr comes on Car Con Carne to talk about it. Besides John, the band is rounded out by: Mike Greenless (TAR) Jeff Dean (lots of…
Fluorescents celebrate EP release at Cobra Lounge (Episode 841)
¾ of Chicago area pop-punk band Fluorescents (Tyler, Bobby, Sasquel) join me for a chat outside Gene & Jude’s. Over hot dogs, we talk about their upcoming show at Cobra Lounge (6/2), as well as: *Their “ripping” cover of “Party…

Comedian Mike Stricker eats hot dogs, says funny things (Episode 812)
Comedian Mike Stricker joins me for hot dogs from Gene & Jude’s in this episode. He’s a very funny guy, and we talked about: *How I totally forgot we’d already met, and feel really dumb about it. *Gene & Jude’s…
The Wiener’s Circle
We had a great time recording at the Wiener’s Circle! Check out some of the highlights in this short video! ?: @freakarama @zspangphoto

Local H at Wiener’s Circle (Episode 714)
Local H is the one band the entire city of Chicago can agree on. I was excited to welcome the return of Scott Lucas, as we broke in the new “VIP” facilities at The Wiener’s Circle (2622 N. Clark St.)….
Letdown joins us for hot dogs as we RETURN TO THE CAR! (Episode 614)
Letdown is the next band to break big out of Chicago. Half a million TikTok users can’t be wrong… Blake Coddington of Letdown returns to Car Con Carne just as the podcast makes its return to recording in the car!…

Hot Doug talks about life after Hot Doug’s (Episode 495)
Legendary Chicago restaurateur and sausage man Hot Doug returns to the show to talk about the future of his meat, life after Hot Doug’s, his new-ish podcast, Taylor Swift and the pandemic’s impact on independent restaurant owners. “There are no…

Reviewing 50 Chicago hot dog joints in 50 days: Author Dennis Foley (Episode 448)
I chatted tonight with author Dennis Foley about his new book, “No Ketchup Chicago’s Top 50 Hot Dogs and The Stories Behind Them!” This episode is so authentically Chicago, it called me “jagoff” after I clicked “save.” Car Con Carne…