Posted in Episodes Lebanese food Lincoln Park Mexican food

Musician/graphic novelist Dan Dougherty joins me for Lebanese/Mexican food from Evette’s (Episode 722)

Let’s get this out of the way: We ate insanely good food tonight. Thanks to Mitchell Abou Jamra for his hospitality and menu selections from Evette’s in Lincoln Park (352 W. Armitage). Mitchell jumped in the car to talk about…

Posted in Episodes Encased Meats hot dog joints Lincoln Park

Local H at Wiener’s Circle (Episode 714)

Local H is the one band the entire city of Chicago can agree on. I was excited to welcome the return of Scott Lucas, as we broke in the new “VIP” facilities at The Wiener’s Circle (2622 N. Clark St.)….

Posted in Episodes Lincoln Park

Music that works in movies, the bedroom and live stage: Trip-hop group She Killed In Ecstasy eats meatballs (Episode 202)

Trip hop + meatballs: Trippin’ balls

Posted in Comedians Encased Meats Episodes hot dog joints Lincoln Park

The war on cargo shorts, the proliferation of spandex and ‘Fatty’: Actor Matt Nikkila (Episode 67)

Don’t flick your Bic, ‘Matches’ is in the mix! Translation: Comedic actor Matt Nikkila jumps in the front seat for a trip to Weiner’s Circle, the infamous Chicago hot dog joint. Over char dogs, we discuss: *Matt’s secret radio past…

Posted in Chicago Comedians Episodes Lincoln Park Mexican food

Comedian Paul Farahvar eats burritos, discovers flight attendant party (Episode 42)

“What goes on here? This is like a boarding school.” This week’s episode finds James and comedian Paul Faravhar sitting a few doors down from Allende, a dive-y burrito place in Chicago’s Lincoln Park. As they sit and talk about…