Category: business
A look at the music industry in 2024: Tom Schmall (Episode 979)
What is the state of the music industry in 2024? I know I can’t answer that one, so I invited old friend Tom Schmall to talk about it. Tom’s a Promotion, Marketing, and Artist Development Specialist for Red Light Management….

Challengers Comics celebrates 15th anniversary at Club Lago (Episode 825)
This episode sees the return of longtime friend and Challengers Comics + Conversation co-owner Patrick Brower! For this conversation, we met at Club Lago in River North (331 W Superior St, Chicago, IL 60654). Owner GianCarlo was kind enough to…

Creating a Branded Podcast (Panel) – Chicago Podcast Day (Episode 738)
Small businesses… big companies… entrepreneurs… it seems like the demand for branded podcasts is at an all time high. In a panel recorded at Chicago Podcast Day in May, 2022, I was joined by Patrick Brower (Contest of Challengers) and…

What Can Digital Audio Learn From Traditional Media (Panel): Chicago Podcast Day (Episode 736)
This episode features the audio from a panel held at the first-ever “Chicago Podcast Day” event held at 2112 on May 21, 2022. “What Can Digital Audio Learn From Traditional Media?” was the focus, and my guests were prolific creators…

The future of non-alcoholic beer is… delicious. Meet Jeff Stevens of Well Being Brewing (Episode 692)
Non-alcoholic beer was stigmatized for decades. Problem was, most NA products weren’t worth drinking. The craft beer revolution’s led to companies like Well Being Brewing, which for the past 5 years has been leading the way for non-alcoholic beer. Joining…

Innovation and entrepreneurship for Chicago’s creatives: 2112 (Episode 387)
Chicago’s creative community is lucky to have a resource like 2112 Chicago. I talked tonight with Scott Fetters (director), Rob Tovar (film/the Hangar) and Saudia Davis (Center for Creative Entrepreneurship) about innovating around (and through) this time of pandemic and…