Posted in Episodes documentary guitar museum

Last days of guitar paradise Songbirds Museum told in new documentary (Episode 761)

Songbirds, a museum that housed the most rare and wonderful examples of the guitar, opened a few years ago, only to be brought to a swift end by COVID. Documentary filmmaker Dagan W. Beckett chronicles the sad end of the…

Posted in Comics Episodes museum

Comics legend Bill Sienkiewicz (Episode 759)

Comic creator BILL SIENKIEWICZ (Sin-KEV-itch) is an Eisner Award-winner for his work on DC Comics’ The Sandman: Endless Nights. He’s also a two time Emmy nominee for his production and character design on the TV series Where In the World…

Posted in Episodes museum

This interview is TORTURE (actually, it’s ABOUT torture): The Medieval Torture Museum (Episode 709)

Associated image: Museum of Medieval Torture on Instagram (museum_torture)

Posted in Gallery Episodes museum Road show

State of Sound: A World of Music from Illinois (Episode 613)

The music of Illinois is on display in Springfield at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in the “The State of Sound: A World of Music from Illinois” exhibit. I made the trip there to record a special episode of Car…

Posted in Episodes museum Quarantine Con Carne

Brace yourself… for the MUSEUM OF TERROR (Episode 450)

 Spooky season is right around the corner!  6th Dimension Space + Gallery is hosting a horror pop-up next month: THE MUSEUM OF TERROR! 6th Dimension founder Renee joins me tonight to talk about what to expect! Car Con Carne is…