Posted in Episodes documentary guitar museum

Last days of guitar paradise Songbirds Museum told in new documentary (Episode 761)

Songbirds, a museum that housed the most rare and wonderful examples of the guitar, opened a few years ago, only to be brought to a swift end by COVID. Documentary filmmaker Dagan W. Beckett chronicles the sad end of the…

Posted in guitar Episodes Grammy winner

He’s in John Mayer’s band! He has a must-hear solo career! He’s won a Grammy! Guitarist Isaiah Sharkey (Episode 248)

This week, guitar great/Grammy winner/John Mayer band member Isaiah Sharkey joins me for phenomenal food from Stefani Prime (6755 N. Cicero). Here’s what we discussed over steak sandwiches, risotto and charcuterie (thanks, Anthony!): The best Steely Dan album. Isaiah’s fantastic…