Posted in Episodes Baseball documentary Quarantine Con Carne sports

Baseball and rock come together in ‘Baseball Furies’ documentary (Episode 517)

The Venn diagram of baseball and rock has a lot more intersections than you may realize. Joining me tonight is Jason Dummeldinger, director of the forthcoming documentary “Baseball Furies,” a movie that explores the relationship between America’s pastime and rock.

Posted in Videos Baseball Brent Sopel Golf Tournament

VIDEO – Former “South Side Hit Man” Eric Soderholm talks baseball, spirituality

Eric Soderholm of the late-70s Sox joined me to talk about his glory days at Comiskey and his current focus on spirituality

Posted in Episodes Baseball Brent Sopel Golf Tournament

Episode 271 – Ex-Chicago White Sox pitcher Adam Russell remembers his time on the South Side

Former Sox hurler Adam Russell talked about his career and playing with the phenomenal talent that populated the White Sox in the late-00s. We talked at the Brent Sopel Celebrity Golf Tournament on 10/2/19. Russel’s a great storyteller… you’ll love…