Posted in Comics Episodes Quarantine Con Carne

Supergirl… Black… Molly Danger… Firestorm! The comics work of Jamal Igle (Episode 375)

“Supergirl” on the CW has taken more than a few cues from the work writer/artist Jamal Igle contributed to the character for DC Comics. Igle’s also well-known for his creator-owned “Molly Danger” character, as well as tons of work across…

Posted in Comics Artists DC Comics Episodes Marvel Comics

Legendary comic book artist Alex Ross talks about his work, the comic industry and his ‘Marvelocity’ museum exhibit (Episode 223)

Alex Ross talks comic books, movies and more!

Posted in Chicago Episodes fast food Northwest Side Yak Channel

Whopperito night: ‘I want to talk to you about your medical condition, but I want to do that after we eat’ (Episode 77)

Burger King unveiled it’s Whopperito (a Whopper made like a burrito) on August 15th, and I decided to try it during BK’s launch week. Fast food’s never been a Car Con Carne “thing,” but sometimes I have to point the…