Tag: Jim Lynam

Author: carconcarne Published Date: December 17, 2016
‘It’s like the kindest prison yard you’ve ever been to’: AAW wrestling with Dr. Keith Lipinski (Episode 92)
In advance of the AAW Wrestling “Unstoppable” event (December 30 at 115 Bourbon Street: 3359 W 115th St, Merrionette Park, IL), AAW Producer Keith Lipinski jumps in the car to talk wrestling. http://traffic.libsyn.com/carconcarnepodcast/298419483-carconcarne-its-like-the-kindest-prison-yard-youve-ever-been-to-aaw-wrestling-with-dr-keith-lipinski.mp3 DOWNLOAD Google Play Music iTunes Stitcher We…

Author: carconcarne Published Date: May 28, 2016
How a video went viral: Sherman from 101 WKQX sits shotgun (Episode 64)
Mere hours after colleague Sherman (101 WKQX) posted a video of the Goodman Theatre sign in flames that went viral, he sat shotgun for Car Con Carne. This episode finds us at Susie’s Drive-Thru at 4126 W. Montrose. The show…