Tag: 101WKQX
Author: carconcarne Published Date: August 6, 2017
The man who eats like a 12-year-old boy: Comedian/radio star Kevin Kellam at Seafood City (Episode 118)
This week, it’s a trip to Seafood City Supermarket (5033 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 60630) with my colleague/stand-up comedian Kevin Kellam (101 WKQX). http://traffic.libsyn.com/carconcarnepodcast/CCC_Kevin_Kellam.mp3 Before we started the podcast, we did a walking tour of the sorts of things…

Author: carconcarne Published Date: May 28, 2016
How a video went viral: Sherman from 101 WKQX sits shotgun (Episode 64)
Mere hours after colleague Sherman (101 WKQX) posted a video of the Goodman Theatre sign in flames that went viral, he sat shotgun for Car Con Carne. This episode finds us at Susie’s Drive-Thru at 4126 W. Montrose. The show…