Posted in Episodes Movie guests Ukranian Village

Horror? Sci-Fi? Thriller? ‘Yes’ to all: Talking ‘Chicago Rot’ with writer/star Brant McCrea (Episode 106)

Rejected headline/episode quote: “That guy was masturbating in my dad’s suit.” My guest this week is Brant McCrea, writer and star of the indie horror/sci-fi film Chicago Rot (available for streaming at the usual places). We eat tacos from…

Posted in breakfast Episodes Media guests Ukranian Village Wicker Park Yak Channel

Why take on online harassment? Amy Guth: ‘Someone’s got to do this. Why not me?’ (Episode 66)

I’ve had this one “in the can” for a while, waiting to launch it simultaneously with Yak Channel. My timing was a little off. Okay, a lot off. Regarding online harassment, multimedia journalist/star Amy Guth had been told to “suck…