Category: rum
Star Union Spirits in Peru, IL embraces history, delivers award-winning spirits (Episode 728)
The Chicago Rum Fest is this Saturday at Logan Square Auditorium (2538 N. Kedzie). Joining me to talk about the event, as well as their own spectacular line of spirits, are Jeff Yosowitz and Bob Windy of Star Union Spirits….

Author: carconcarne Published Date: July 18, 2020
Talking tattoos, rum, punk rock & counterculture with Sailor Jerry Rum’s ‘Gravy’ Thomas (Episode 411)
It’s National Tattoo Day, and there is no spirit more ingrained with the tattooed lifestyle than Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum. Gravy Thomas, Sailor Jerry “rum rude boy,” is here to talk tattoos and rum. Car Con Carne is sponsored by…

Author: carconcarne Published Date: April 4, 2020
Let’s drink rum! Ashley Thomas from Sailor Jerry joins us for virtual cocktails (Episode 333)
Ashley Thomas from Sailor Jerry rum joins me for Friday cocktails! Rum-based bloody Mary? Check. Shot with a pickle back? Double check. Get your quarantine drink on… you’re not going anywhere! Quarantine Con Carne is sponsored by C&H Financial Services!