Category: cinema
Godzilla, Chinatown and XXX: Cinephile Stephanie Sack (Episode 961)
Hail GODZILLA! Cinephile Stephanie Sack returns to preview cool screenings at local independent theaters. Discussed in this episode: -“Go Go Godzilla,” a Godzila marathon at the venerable Music Box Theatre -Chinatown – 50th anniversary screening at the Pickwick (Park Ridge)…
Looking for non-mainstream movies in January? Cinephile Stephanie Sack has recommendations (Episode 916)
Burnt out on the same menu of Wonka/Aquaman/etc. currently playing at the local cineplex? Returning guest and known cinephile Stephanie Sack highlights non-traditional January options, specifically focused on the Music Box Theatre’s “Giallo January”: January 1 — House of Psychotic…

Halloween time is Giallo time in Chicago: Cinephile Stephanie Sack (Episode 894)
Cinephile/Giallo expert Stephanie Sack returns to Car Con Carne to talk about some Giallo events happening in Chicago during this Halloween season. The centerpiece of that list is a special appearance by “Suspiria” actress Barbara Magnolfi at Chicago’s horror-themed cafe,…

‘More bizarre than Battle Royale and far bloodier than The Ring’ – A.V. Club’s Katie Rife talks ‘Suicide Club’ (Episode 687)
The A.V. Club Senior Writer Katie Rife joined me tonight to talk about Japanese shocker “Suicide Club,” from 2001. See it in two midnight shows in all of its 35mm glory at the legendary Music Box Theatre over Thanksgiving weekend!…
The Chicago International Film Festival ‘After Dark’ (Episode 670)
Pictured: “The Sadness,” part of the “After Dark” series at the Chicago International Film Festival