Halloween time is Giallo time in Chicago: Cinephile Stephanie Sack (Episode 894)

Cinephile/Giallo expert Stephanie Sack returns to Car Con Carne to talk about some Giallo events happening in Chicago during this Halloween season.

The centerpiece of that list is a special appearance by “Suspiria” actress Barbara Magnolfi at Chicago’s horror-themed cafe, the Brewed. Ms. Magnolfi will be there on October 14 from noon to 5pm for selfies, autographs and more.

We also talk about Claudio Simonetti & GOBLIN performing the score to Argento’s “Demons” on Sunday, October 15 and a very special private screening with Barbara Magnolfi happening earlier that day.

This episode was recorded directly outside Red Lion Pub (2446 Lincoln Avenue), one of Chicago’s many alleged “haunted” locations.

Car Con Carne is presented by Alex Ross Art. Make sure to visit Alex’s booth at the New York Comic Con (October 12-15, 2023)!


Car Con Carne is also sponsored by In the Loop Magazine:
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Author: carconcarne