Category: Announcements
New trailer!
Check out the fantastic new trailer, produced by the talented Giorgio Reyes!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Welcome, Buona!
Car Con Carne is proud to announce a partnership with Chicago area institution Buona (as if I needed an excuse to go to Buona more often)! Buona’s celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, and it’s an honor to be part…
Virtual Tip Jar
Car Con Carne has been podcasting in and around Chicago for over six years. In 2020, inspired by the pandemic, the production schedule accelerated to five nights a week. That’s led to added production, hosting and gear costs. If you…

Local H announces first post-pandemic concert event: Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In Theatre in Gibson City on 6/25/20! (Episode 377)
Scott Lucas of Local H announces the first post-pandemic concert event: June 25 at Harvest Moon Twin Cinemas drive-in (Gibson City, Illinois)!
Charity fundraiser tee!
The new, handsome and compassionate “*Care* Con Carne” t-shirt is now for sale! Between now and May 15, all profit from this design will be donated to Hope For The Day! Get yours here!
Best of Chicago 2019: Runner-Up
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Thanks to all who voted for Car Con Carne in the “BEST MUSIC PODCAST” category in the Chicago Reader’s Best of Chicago 2019 poll. Car Con Carne was the runner-up, and is thrilled to…
Car Con Carne: Now numbered and itemized for your archiving enjoyment!
Who was on episode 100? Episode 153? Now you can figure it out!

Presented by The Autobarn Mazda of Evanston
Car Con Carne is thrilled to announce its partnership with the Autobarn Mazda of Evanston! I bought my last two cars there, and can’t say enough about the Autobarn’s approachable and enthusiastic customer service (to say nothing of Mazda’s exceptional,…

Car Con Carne rolls on
Mike Bratton is sadly no longer part of Car Con Carne, due to the fact his family is moving back to New York. I can’t properly articulate how important he was to the show, and how much I’ll miss our…
Successfully funded: THANK YOU!
As of 3:30-ish this morning, we received word that our Kickstarter effort had closed and Car Con Carne is successfully funded. Thank you for your interest, enthusiasm and support. We hit the road again tonight, with special backseat guest John…