Tag: WWE
WWE Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews ready for SummerSlam (Episode 640)
WWE Superstar Apollo Crews has become one of the most-talked about and exciting wrestlers to watch in 2021. He joined me to talk about the Intercontinental Championship, its legacy, his career trajectory and whether or not there’s a stable in…
WWE Hall-of-Famer Sunny talks about her wrestling career while trying not to vomit
(1/8/18) There was an issue with an previously-released MP3 of this episode. It’s been corrected, and the episode again exists in its entirety. _ This week is a special episode recorded outside of the car (and without food). As 2017…

Radio chameleon Abe Kanan: ‘on the same page with eating disgusting foods’ (Episode 97)
(This episode contains adult language that may not be appropriate for non-adults and/or hypersensitive people.) I’m joined this week by the very funny Abe Kanan, who can be heard every weekday morning on Mancow’s show on The Loop (WLUP Chicago)….
From Billy Corgan and wrestling to burger carnage in a Mazda: Musician Sheri Shaw (Episode 94)
This week, it’s wrestling talk with wrestling entrance theme-writer Sheri Shaw at wrestling-themed restaurant The Squared Circle (2418 N. Ashland). http://traffic.libsyn.com/carconcarnepodcast/303992684-carconcarne-ccc-sheri-shaw-squared-circle-final.m4a DOWNLOAD Google Play Music iTunes Stitcher The food was awesome… I tried the “Screamin’ Demon” (Merkts cheddar and fresh…

Whopperito night: ‘I want to talk to you about your medical condition, but I want to do that after we eat’ (Episode 77)
Burger King unveiled it’s Whopperito (a Whopper made like a burrito) on August 15th, and I decided to try it during BK’s launch week. Fast food’s never been a Car Con Carne “thing,” but sometimes I have to point the…