Posted in MS charity Episodes My backyard

MS Sucks – honest talk about Multiple Sclerosis (Episode 960)

The third MS fundraiser is happening on June 29 at Bottom Lounge. Returning guest/longtime friend Stubhy Pandav (Lucky Boys Confusion, Super Happy Fun Club, Shock Stars, etc.) joins me to talk about the event, as well as living with MS….

Posted in Episodes benefits Pilsen pop punk

‘There’s not a moment in my life that I’m not living with this’ – Lucky Boys Confusion’s Stubhy on MS (Episode 291)

Kaustubh “Stubhy” Pandav (Lucky Boys Confusion) and Brad Chagdes (Hoodie Life) join Car Con Carne this week to discuss Stubhy’s recent MS diagnosis and the upcoming benefit event, “MS SUCKS.” (Side note: I’m emceeing the event!) Thanks to our friends…