Category: coffee

Author: carconcarne Published Date: June 17, 2023
‘Cheers’ to Glory Days at Central Cafe in Highland Park (Episode 847)
This brunch episode was recorded with James and Vince of Glory Days and Jacqui Litvan of Central Cafe in Highland Park (664 Central). Glory Days has a new single out (“Cheers”), along with an accompanying video. You can also see…
The Nettes perform/chat outside Perkolator in Portage Park (Episode 822)
This episode is a perfect example of what Car Con Carne tries to accomplish. I’m joined by the Nettes (Alex, Kristina and Sonya) for a visit to Perkolator (6032 W. Irving Park) in Portage Park. Before enjoying coffee and breakfast…
Engines fueled by Passion House coffee (Episode 260)
This week, it’s two guests in one car: Joshua, owner of Passion House Coffee Roasters, and Justin and Emily from indie band Engines.