A blazing performance from Chicago’s Blood People (and a food challenge) (Episode 96)

OH MY GOD, this episode was fun to do. I’m joined by 3/4 of Blood People (Aly, Mickey and Jeff) for tacos at the much-celebrated L’ Patron (3749 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL 60647). Blood People is a band you need to know… truly one of the best independent bands in Chicago right now.

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The show ends with an amazing acoustic performance of “Mirror Mirror” that tested the physical limits of my tiny Mazda 3 (listen through until the end to hear it). Covered in the show:

*Was Aly giving the cashier a hard time?
*”My hands are covered in that orange grease already”
*I pour sausage in Jeff’s water and he drinks it, thus winning the night’s food challenge
*The origin of Blood People
*Aly’s near-death experience in a Hostel-movie-like situation
*Car Con Carne is for lovers
*The letdown of not having dessert after L’ Patron tacos
*The problem with ice cream cones

See the Facebook Live video of Blood People in my car on YouTube!

This week’s show is sponsored in part by the Bad Ass Art and Music Show March 4 in Rolling Meadows.


Author: carconcarne