Category: fish

Visiting new Palatine hotspot Pink’s Shrimp with LOTEC (Episode 815)
In this episode, I’m joined by Chicago indie band LOTEC (Dan, Kenny and Sean) for a visit to PINK’S SHRIMP & OYSTERS (773 N. Quentin Road). LOTEC’s back after being away for… decades (how is that even possible?). We talk…
Death by cocktail sauce with Local H and Liar’s Club (Episode 290)
Local H – Liar’s Club Saturday 11/23/19
16th Annual KT’s Kids benefit – 12/8/19 at Liar’s Club
It’s a slippery slope… and cooooo. Former WLUP-ers Abe Kanan and Al Roker, Jr. at Calumet Fisheries (Episode 155)
For this episode, we visit a long-running south side Chicago institution: Calumet Fisheries (3259 E 95th St, Chicago, IL 60617). I’m joined by my (recently) former WLUP co-workers, Al Roker, Jr. (YAY YAY! It’s a slippery slope!) and Abe Kanan…
Ex-skinhead talks about dark past, eats fried shrimp (Episode 53)
Imagine living a life under the mantra “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Author Christian Picciolini lived that life, rising to the top ranks of the American skinhead movement. He’s long since…