Posted in capsule review blog Chicago International Film Festival movies

Chicago International Film Festival – ‘Plan 75’ (capsule review)

(Film viewed as part of the Chicago International Film Festival) Dystopian fiction done right feels just plausible enough that you can envision those events playing out in real life. Just ask Margaret Atwood. Director Chie Hayakawa’s new film, “Plan 75,”…

Posted in Chicago International Film Festival blog capsule review movies

Chicago International Film Festival – ‘Rounding’ (capsule review)

(Film viewed as part of the Chicago International Film Festival) “Rounding” is a psychological thriller that slow-burns its way through the emotional and physical unraveling of a medical resident wrestling with PTSD and trauma. Visually, the film offers plenty of…

Posted in Chicago International Film Festival blog capsule review movies

Chicago International Film Festival – ‘Shorts 3: After Dark — Things Aren’t What They Seem’ (capsule review)

(Film viewed as part of the Chicago International Film Festival) ‘Shorts 3: After Dark — Things Aren’t What They Seem’ collects eight horror shorts from U.S., U.K. and Mexico filmmakers. Of those eight, half are worth recommending. Of those, two…

Posted in movies blog capsule review Chicago International Film Festival

Chicago International Film Festival – ‘Band’ (capsule review)

(Film viewed as part of the Chicago International Film Festival) Look, getting older sucks, and it’s something that’s even harder to deal with when you’re an independent musician. At some point, bands who’ve yet to break through their respective “scene…