Episode 800 trailer

Here’s a preview of Episode 800, debuting as an audio and video episode on 12/12/22.

For this anniversary episode, I’m featuring 10 memorable moments from the almost-nine years of the show. I intentionally don’t refer to the moments as the “best,” or “definitive,” because creating that kind of list from 799 episodes would have been a fool’s errand (and would have created a lot of hurt feelings). These moments all have their reasons for inclusion, which I’ll share in Episode 800.

On a day when gratitude is the order of the day, I’m grateful to have this opportunity to keep doing radio the way I want to do it… in my car, and with tacos. More importantly, I’m grateful to have this outlet to connect us all to artists, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, authors, actors, athletes and interesting passersby. Thank you for listening and watching.

Author: carconcarne