The joy of ‘Fake Sex’: Chicago band Post Child (Episode 119)

This week’s show is sponsored by the excellent people at BOOST MOBILE!

Post Child (well, Bryan and Mustafa from the band) meet me at Zacatecas (5037 W Diversey Ave, Chicago, IL 60639) for pastor tacos and conversation this week.

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We talk about:

  • My history with Post Child
  • Post Child history
  • Cowboys and ravers: See them in Post Child’s video *and* at Zacatecas!
  • Why Bryan left the country, and whether things were different when he came back
  • How the Chicago music scene’s evolved
  • The Post Child sound, and why it’s so comfortable
  • To make a video, or to not make a video? Sound advice for bands dispensed here.
  • Who is Glen Lerner, and why does he look like a comic book hero’s secret identity?


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Author: carconcarne