‘Welcome to Chicago: We’re going to fatten the s**t out of you’ – Club Lago w/ ‘All In Time’ film director Chris Fetchko (Episode 87)

Chris Fetchko, writer/director/producer of the excellent indie film All In Time (allintimefilm.com), jumps in the Mazda 3 for a trip to Club Lago in River North (331 W Superior St.).

Lago co-owner Guido Nardini jumps in the backseat with bags filled with two of Lago’s signature sandwiches: The Guido and the Gus. Guido joins in the conversation, talking about Lago history (what’s up with that cash register, anyway) and explaining why the sandwiches are so damn good.

The conversation covers movies, music, food and Chicago (is there anything left?). Topics include:

*Everything about All In Time
*The elevator pitch for All In Time (it really should be Cameron Crowe meets M. Night Shyamalan)
*How the music industry aspects of the movie reflect Fetchko’s real-life experiences
*Fetchko’s true passion (“I’ve always loved music more than film”)
*The band that got Fetchko through puberty
*The problems with basil
*Fetchko’s favorite band, the Badlees(“They’re the best f*****g band in the world”)
*The difference between hoagies and subs (it’s a regional thing)
*The commitment required for filmmaking

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Author: carconcarne