Episode 800 is coming: Sponsor one of the “top ten” moments!

I’ve been thinking for a while about what to do for Episode 800 (landing early December, 2022). Since Car Con Carne has been rolling for close to ten years, I thought I’d use the anniversary moment to take inventory of what’s come before, and to pause to welcome new listeners/viewers. With that, Episode 800 will feature 10 of my favorite moments from throughout Car Con Carne’s history. The “top ten” show will be released as a video episode on YouTube/Facebook, and as an audio episode available everywhere.

My hope is to have a sponsor for each of the “top ten” moments (similar to sponsoring a hole at a golf tournament). For businesses and brands small and large, this is a chance to get in on what will likely be the most successful episode of the year.

What a sponsorship includes:
Sponsorships will be read in the announcement of each moment (e.g. “#4 is brought to you by Challengers Comics and Conversation, 1845 N. Western in Chicago. Visit the award-winning comic shop in person, or at challengerscomics.com). Each of the ten sponsors would also be mentioned in corresponding episode web, social and YouTube posts. Ad copy should be 1-2 sentences, or roughly :15 seconds of live content.

What it costs:
Each sponsorship is a flat $25 for this one-time episode inclusion.

If interested, please contact jamesvanosdol@gmail.com. First come, first served.

Thanks for your consideration!

Car Con Carne sustains itself through the generosity of sponsors. Monthly expenses include hosted web services, RSS hosting, virtual platform subscriptions (e.g. Zoom, Mailchimp), gas, occasional onsite food cost/tips, and paid social ads. It may not sound like much, but it adds up quickly!

Author: carconcarne