The smarmy side and high points of modeling: Loop Rock Girl April Rose (Episode 84)

“Am I allowed to eat while we’re doing this?”
“That’s kinda the thing.”

Model and radio/TV star April Rose jumped in the Mazda 3 while Game 2 of the NLCS was happening 15 minutes away. Her sacrifice wasn’t in vain: There were enchiladas involved (4 Hermanos 5239 N. Central Ave, Chicago, IL, 60630).

We talk about:
*What led her to modeling after starting a career in the medical industry
*The smarmiest, most horrifying,thing she experienced in modeling… and it’s flesh-crawling
*My choice in anatomical terms which clearly paints me as uncool
*Her experience as the Loop Rock Girl. Regarding radio work vs. TV work: “It is such a different talent, and I respect DJs a lot more than I ever have.”
*Norwood Park housewives yammering on about nothing at all


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Author: carconcarne